Saturday, January 21, 2012

Walk The Plank's story..

Left Hand Black

Left to right: Justin Pickett, Russ Disbro, Aaron Huisinga, & Ryan Taylor. Me + these guys = the birth of Walk The Plank Productions..

So, Walk The Plank was started 6 years ago in Kirksville, MO with a myspace profile. It was started out of frustration. Frustration from trying to work with other production companies/ promoters in the area that either didn't share our vision, our musical interests or were just looking to pad their own pockets off our sweat. It got going good enough that after a year or so I started to work with a friend I had met over myspace in the Quincy, IL area. That particular relationship didn't work out but it lasted long enough that I was able to meet Eric Koenig and his passion and goals were similar enough to mine that we started a Walk The Plank chapter there also. Dog Bite Harris passed through on tour and dug what we were doing so much that he asked to start a chapter out in Heppner, OR and so now there's a chapter there as well.  

I feel as though I need to catch the online world up to date as to who we are, what we've been doing, & where we're going. So, those of you who have attended Walk The Plank shows over the past 6 years from Kirsville, MO to Jefferson City, MO to Quincy, IL to the west coast: if you have photo's, video or even a story to share to catch everyone up to what we've been doing for the past 6 years EMAIL ME via the contact link in the right hand column (the one that says "contact")..

I can't wait to hear from you!!


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