Tuesday, January 24, 2012


In order for the rest of this little journey down memory lane to make sense I feel as though you really have to know where I come from. Who I am and I got to this place to become who I am. 

I grew up in central Missouri. I've lived life full and unapologetic. I'm a rebel. I picked up skateboarding at an early age. Back in those days it REALLY was illegal. My friends and I got more than our share of harassment. It was from every angle, jocks at school, cops, parents, teachers.. In those days you really had to love it to stick with it. It was LIFE period! My friends and I lived and breathed skateboards, punk rock, beers (when we could get our hands on 'em), and we all started smoking young. I don't smoke anymore. I quit at 24 as a college freshman with a 3 pack a day habit. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. 

I don't skate much these days either. It's still in me. The free spirit, and the paradigm by which I still live my life. 
I only briefly touched on that "punk rock" part of my youth. Let me back up for a second. This is the part that I think needs to be clear. As a skateboarder we all read thrasher magazines back in the day. In there they would have articles and pictures about the punk scene. Bands like the Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Subhumans, Black Flag, etc.. I soaked up as much of that as I could. It was a part of who I was, who I am. 

I'm a photographer by trade. I worked in the corporate world for nearly a decade shooting mostly in the medical industry. It was fun at first but by the end I had a salary position, my evenings and weekends were booked without my say so, and I would be up early on Saturday mornings shooting photos of old rich guys shaking hands for the camera over a big generous donation to some old alma matter. I wasn't enjoying myself and I've never based my life choices on money. I wanted to be watching live music, drinking cheap beers, and wasting my life away with my boys. Doing what we do. What we've always done. I quit my salary job and now I work harder than I've ever worked in my life for money that doesn't stretch far enough. Everything in my life is great except for that. 

I photograph the shows I put together. If you're interested you can see them here. (http://www.facebook.com/josh.bishop.photography)

I'll share the next piece of the puzzle tomorrow. If you read this far, thank you..